My sweet Maisey girl.
There's not a single person in the world like my girl. She's brilliant, hilarious, sassy, loving, gentle, compassionate and so much fun to be around. She's five going on 25. She says some of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life. She also knows exactly which buttons to push to drive momma nuts.
She's always been incredibly sweet and so loving to everyone she meets. I can remember walking through the grocery store when she was barely two years old and she would say hi to every. single. person. And when they didn't acknowledge her she would get so frustrated that nobody wanted to be friendly like she was.
She's the kind of kid who will go out of her way to help somebody. She goes out of her way to do the right thing even when nobody knows she's helping. We were on vacation in Amish Country one time and it was a warm but windy summer day. We were walking along the sidewalks just checking out all of the local merchants when Maisey noticed a large pot with silk flowers that had blown over in front of a store. They were just laying on the store's porch, tipped over but not blowing anywhere. Our three year old silently walked over to them and started trying to stand them up. She didn't even ask her dad or I for help. She just went and did it all by herself. That's the kind of person Maisey is. Always thinking about others. Always wanting to make others feel better.
When I found out I was pregnant with Cooper, Cody and I knew right away that she would be the absolute best big sister. The day we were finding out the gender we took her to the appointment with us. She had been telling us for months that she wanted a baby sister. I was almost 100% sure it was a boy so I was a little afraid she'd be upset and have a meltdown in the doctor's office. The doctor walked in, asked her usual questions and then started reading through my chart. She asked Maisey if she knew what it was and Maisey said no but she hoped it was a girl. The doctor broke the news gently and told her that unfortunately she would be having a baby brother instead. Without missing a beat Maisey shrugged her shoulders and said, "That's okay. I'm going to name him Mowgli." Bet ya can't guess what movie she was obsessed with..
The kid never complained. Not once. She was just so excited to be a big sister that she didn't really care what gender it was. I'll never forget the look on her face when she entered the hospital room the day he was born. It was a look of pure joy and love. She immediately walked up to us, kissed his little arm and whispered, "Hi buddy! I'm your sissy. And I'm going to protect you forever." Melted my heart right into a puddle.
After we brought Coop home from the hospital Maisey was the biggest helper. Constantly trying to do whatever was needed. One early morning, a week or so after Cooper was born, I was sitting on the couch holding him after a bottle and Maisey came tip toeing into the living room. She climbed up in my lap, kissed his forehead and said, "Good morning pumpkin pie!" I've never called her pumpkin pie. She just came up with that name all on her own. She also calls him her hunny bunny, lovey dovey and a million other adorable little names.
She's quite possibly one of the wittiest people I've ever met, too. She's constantly picking on her dad and usually has some sort of comeback that makes me laugh until I'm crying. She knows things that I'm pretty sure I didn't know until I was in high school. And she has this weird way of understanding the world so much better than any five year old should.
For the last 8 months or so, she's had to take a backseat to Cooper and all of his medical needs. She's had a couple rough moments where she's told us how unfair it is that Cooper gets so much extra attention. But for the most part she has been so incredibly understanding. She explains to people that her brother has SMA and that means his muscles don't work like ours. And she's constantly telling him how strong he is and how proud she is of him. She's his biggest cheerleader and I know that as long as he has Maisey Grace, he will always have exactly what he needs.
This little girl of ours is going to change the world.
And I'm so incredibly proud to be her mom.