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Writer's pictureSamm

On the Move.

Hi friends!

It has been way too long since I've posted an update.

Cooper has been gaining more and more strength. He no longer sits in one place on the floor. He has found a way to twist and turn and get himself closer to toys and anything he might want to play with. And he also got his first set of wheels!

I can't believe how quickly he learned how to move in it. It took him less than 30 minutes to figure out how to move forward and backward and turn around!

And now he goes all over the house and gets into everything!

He yells at the dogs and if they don't move fast enough then he just runs into them. At least he gives them a warning. His favorite thing to do in his chair is run into his mom's ankles and then say "you crash me" like it was my fault.

It has been incredible to watch him gain some sort of independence over the last couple weeks. I didn't really realize it until he started moving around the house but there were so many things in our house he had never really seen or experienced. Like the inside of the refrigerator. It's not like we carried him to the fridge with us every time we needed something. But now he just wheels himself right up to it when I'm getting something out and sits in front of it, blocking the door from shutting so he can browse.

Every morning when he wakes up one of the first things he says to me is, "Mommy, chair ride?" I'm amazed every single time I strap him into it and he just takes off. My baby can leave me now. He will wheel himself to his room, grab some toys, put them on his little foot rest and bring them out to the living room to play. It's the cutest thing! He's finally able to be a toddler and do things on his own.

I didn't realize how much we had been holding him back by not providing him with a way to move on his own. But now, look out, because Coopy boy is on. the. move.

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