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Cooper received his life saving treatment called Zolgensma on April 8, 2020. Since then we have seen incredible improvement in Cooper's strength and overall ability. Zolgensma comes with the hefty price tag of 2.1 million dollars and is currently the world's most expensive drug. We have been fortunate that our insurance has covered the majority of Cooper's medical costs. However we still have quite a few expenses due to Cooper's diagnosis. Our insurance will not cover a wheelchair or any sort of mobility equipment until Cooper is much older and no longer able to be carried or ride comfortably in a stroller. There are also a number of items we're hoping to purchase to assist in the at home therapy that we do with him each day. We've been blessed with amazing family and friends who have done everything they can to help us on this journey. I've been asked a lot recently about accepting donations for Coopy's medical costs that aren't covered as well as any out of pocket expenses we may have. I have decided to add a Donate button here for anyone who may want to contribute to these expenses. Whether you donate or not, please know that we are so thankful you're here and following us on this journey.
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